Core Dump


I am one of those people who need to write things down to fully understand and assimilate a foreign piece of information. Writing forces me to put into words that abstract mass of obscure blob of thought which I manifest into existence whenever I encounter a new topic. It helps me structure my understanding, and often times makes me aware of gaping holes in my understanding of the topic. Naturally, I take copious amounts of notes whenever I read a technical book / paper.

I’ve been searching for a platform independent way to make my markdown notes accessible across all my devices so that I could dip in and check it at will. I’ve iterated through multiple wiki based schemes, hand-rolled scripts to sync my notes to cloud drives, and tried multiple platforms / services that promised to do the same. But they never quite fit into my workflow.

The new /books section is my experiment to migrate all those notes to github pages. It forces me to format them in a way that’s palatable to a wider audience and also enables me to access it anywhere I wish. A spiffy combination of notational-fzf-vim and hugo helps me keep my notes in sync (workflow post coming soon!).

Check it out here.

As always, ping me your thoughts and comments. Let me know if you have a better suggestion to keep my notes and snippets in check!

P.S: I was heavily inspired by Derek Sivers